Friday 17 June 2011

Performance of the Year Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping beauty was performed in Malvern theatre on the 30th of December 2010.This fantastic fairy tale was upheld by strong stock characters such as the original good and bad characters being the ‘good fairy’ and the ‘bad fairy’ these were played professionally by Toyah Wilcox and Wendy Purdy. These two characters were the main story tellers with elaborate costumes and many pieces of song and dance which you just wanted to sing along with!
 This was an enchanting fairy tale which stood out from other pantomimes for me by using lots of modern musical songs which lightened the pantomime, and were enjoyed by the audience of which especially of younger generation of which there were many, who all gave great roars of ‘ oh no he didn’t’ ‘ oh ye he did’. The character ‘Silly Billy’s’ interaction with the children was great entertainment. He was a traditional comic character which made each child laugh, along with ‘nanny glucose’ which was the again traditional lady in drag who both decided to soak the audience with water pistols which I was lucky enough to miss! Nanny glucose’s humour related more to the adults as ‘Silly Billy’s’ concentrated on the interaction with the children. He brought up children on stage and he had the audience singing in sections as a light humoured competition to see which was the loudest, this type of fun interaction with the audience kept us entertained and created a great Christmas family experience. Something which I had not experienced in a traditional pantomime before such as sleeping beauty was a screen which made many special effects such as the prince going back in time and defeating the dragon.  For me this part was the only small downfall to the play as it could be said to have been not well rehearsed as when the prince would swing for the dragon he would be far away from him, but as most of the audience was of a younger generation this did not disrupt the effect they were trying to make. Although by using the special effects in the pantomime I found it did create a magical atmosphere as it was unreal, big and colourful on the screen. I would watch sleeping beauty again and again as it was so enjoyable and entertaining a good family experience that everyone can enjoy!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Tuesday 3 May 2011

The West Ends Lion King showing Raffiki outstanding character

Lioness Dance

Lion King

Fantastic performance with beautifulsinging acting and costumes which were outstanding! Could see again again again!!!

Monday 18 April 2011


Based on a true story claymore mental institution was a third year production from Bathspa University students. It was interesting and left you wanting to know more from the characters, the media used was fantastic but was used too much in the piece and therefore sometimes drew the effect away from the characters.

Under the Milkwood

Truely Welsh performance with comical aspects of sound and character.


A contemporary dance piece without a plot, lost my attention shortly into this because of the repitition of the physiscal movement.

Book Labyrinth

Loved IT!
A world of childhood stories brought to life in a magical little theatre in Bath.


A Typical lighthearted pantomine which I extremely

enjoyed, there was much mixed responce from this piece and can me debated whether it was a bit too graphic for its younger audience members. Overall a great laugh!

Game Play

Did not capture my attention, although fairly professional for an unpolished piece.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Sleeping Beauty

A pantomime with many laughs and likeable characters, through constant

relation to modern times kept the audiences in hysterics throughout.

Merry Wives Of Winsor

Although this type of theatre is not a favourite of mine it was a comical play using all shakespeares original conventions to make this a truly traditional play.

A Taster of Urashimo Taro

A Talk with the cast of Urashimo Taro

The talk afterwards was definutly interesting to see the puppets and to find that the actress herself actually made them. She based them upon herself, maybe this was why she had such a good relationship with them. The cast consisted of herself and the director they made a fasinating piece which used many japanese theatre conventions such as paper theatre this was truely a very creative piece of theatre.

Urashimo Taro

A fasinating piece based on a Japanese myth this was enchanting with the use of the puppets in a stylised mannor.


With a great amount of multiroling from having a cast of just two people for this shapeare piece and also by breaking the fourth wall members of the audience were captured throughout.

Blythe Spirit

A carry on type of comedy with rounded characters but a insubstantial plot.

Lily through the dark Behind the scenes

Lily through the dark

I beautiful display of puppetring with a sad story beneath of the death of a young girls father resulting in her own death which was lightened with humour by the comical characters.

Monolgue and Landscape

This strange piece had no plot which was difficult to truely grasp the story, yet the three characters had great deapth especialy the two men who were great actors. left you wanting to know so much more.

Avenue Q

Most laughs I have had from a performance, fantasic songs and acting from the young actors who had the audience in histerics